Friday, March 11, 2011

Moonpie Banana Pudding Trifle

Hello All!
If you are anything like me- the 5 million moonpies that you caught on Fat Tuesday might be melting in the back of your car. Don't let this happen!! Moonpies are low in fat and can be easily used for a fun, retro dessert.

      Things ya need:
  • 2 cups of 2% or skim milk
  • 1 3.4 oz package of vanilla instant pudding
  • 2 bananas (I picked some up from Jimmy Lowe's fruit stand)
  • fat free whipped cream 
  • chocolate, vanilla, or banana moonpies that you snagged at the parades.
(this recipe is for two servings but can easily be doubled to make four:)

  1. Follow the instructions on the back of the pudding box to make a simple vanilla pudding: Mix two cups of low fat milk with pudding powder, stir for two minutes, and then let it form in the refrigerator for 5 minutes.
  2. I prefer using a nice glass for desserts like this (think wine glass or champagne glass) and It's good to do this in layers. First, dice up 1 moonpie into bite sized pieces. This will be the first layer of your trife. 
  3. Next, do a thin layer of whipped cream (don't go overboard because whipped cream is super sweet).
  4. The third layer of this trifle will be the vanilla pudding. Make sure that the pudding has set and that it is thick.
  5. Lastly, add a layer of sliced bananas and a dab of whipped cream.
Enjoy! This is such a simple southern dessert that must be enjoyed on your front porch while the sun is still out. You should probably be listening to this as well:

-but most importantly have a marvelous friday.

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